Had an amazing weekend- thank you to everyone who helped us compete, who believed in us and who cheered us on from afar. We all love you. The kids that compete inspire me as well as the the volunteers with their hard work. I love to be able to do this every day and to meet new parents who are just like me- lost in this maze of doctors and therapy, but deep, true, open amazing love and determination for our children and to prove everyone wrong when they say our kids cant do it. I would like to do something nice for all of the girls (and Nate) that helped out this weekend… but as of right now, I will just give you all a huge group hug. I feel the love and support as a onlooker, as a participant, as a coach, but mostly as a grateful mother who is just thankful that her son has such an amazing support system.
Special Olympics
Please see some of the pictures- http://s892.photobucket.com/albums/ac121/lmbrecht/Special%20Olympics%20GA%202012/
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